Sunday 26 February 2017

The Bohemian Buddhist Bi-Polarity

A few months ago I referred myself to a psychiatrist because at times I feel extremely happy and at other times I would like to end my life. I am blessed with a nine year old boy. Ending my life would consequently destroy his; hence my self referral to the psychiatrist.
Although I am willing to subject myself to a series of embarrassing questions, to become more self-aware than is comfortable and to try out a multitude of medications...I am not willing to give up on the idea that love is curative.
I have given myself a personal challenge and this challenge is at the heart of anyone that has been gifted with an alternative relationship with reality.
I will gladly dispense of the dark gloom that lives at the bottom of my soul but I do not want to release the joy that is associated with my diabolical reasoning.
I have thus given myself a personal challenge and it is one that I recommend to one and all. I am on a mission to find happiness,beauty,compassion and bliss. I will ignore all those who carry hatred in their hearts. I invite to join me.